Amazon Tags

No More Tagging? Amazon Discontinuing Tags?

I just received notice from Amazon (Kindle Really) that they are discontinuing "Tags" and replacing them with other search and navigation features. It seems strange to me that Amazon would make this change without notifying customers.  I received the email below from Amazon (Kindle Support) today re: tagging. Please comment is you have heard similar reports or received similar information from Amazon.

Email from Amazon:

The original idea of Tags was to allow customers to tag items they were considering buying (for example, tagging items for a specific person as a gift), tagging products that they have purchased for later recommendations and tagging products to suggest better organization of them for Amazon.   Over time Amazon has introduced new features that have replaced the TAGS functionality, including Wish Lists, Customer Reviews and Recommendations.  Since the introduction of those features the usage of Tags, and therefore their value to our customers, has declined.  We have removed TAGS in favor of the replacement features. Tags that you created are still available under Your Profile page.
Again, I'm sorry for any frustration this has caused, Brian. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know!

We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Have you heard about this? Let me know what you think!